Locking in a tree

A binary tree node can be locked or unlocked only if none of its parents or children are locked. Assume each node has parent pointer. Write the following methods -

  • to test if a node is locked
  • to lock a given node, should return if we were able to lock else false
  • to unloack a given node,


  • For each node keep track of the number of nodes in its subtree that are locked
  • To lock,
    • check child locked count
    • check all nodes in the path to parent
    • if none of the above are locked, then mark node as locked
  • To unlock
    • mark node as unlocked
    • update all nodes in the path to parent and decrement their lock count


class BinaryTreeNode
    attr_accessor :is_locked, :lock_count, :parent

    def is_locked?
        return @is_locked

    def lock
        return false if @lock_count != 0

        # Check all nodes on path to parents if they are locked
        iter = @parent
        while iter
            return false if iter.is_locked?
            iter = iter-> parent

        @is_locked = true

        # Update lock count for all nodes on path to parent
        iter = @parent
        while iter
            iter.lock_count += 1
            iter = iter.parent

        return true

    def unlock
        return if is_locked == false

        @is_locked = false

        # Update all nodes on path to parent
        iter = @parent
        while iter
            iter.lock_count -= 1
            iter = iter.parent


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