Anonymous letter

You are given a magazine and a letter. Determine if all the characters in the letter are constuctable using only the letters from the magazine.


  • Process the chars in the letter into a hash map
  • Now parse the chars in the magazine into a hash, if the count is reached for a paritcular letter, then remove it from the hash.
  • At any point if the hash has become empty then we are done, return true
  • Else after processing the entire magazine if there are any chars remaining in the hash, then return false.
  • We could do the reverse to reduce complexity but use up more space. The asumption here is the letter must be smaller than the magazine for it to be valid.


def can_construct_anonymous_letter(magazine, letter)
    return false if magazine.size < letter.size

    hash = {}
    letter.each_char do |c|
        if hash[c].nil?
            hash[c] = 1
            hash[c] += 1
    end |c|
        return true if hash.empty?
        if hash[c] == 0
        elsif hash[c] == 0
            hash[c] -= 1

    return true if hash.empty?

    # Non-empty hash means some of the chars were not present in the magazine
    return false


  • Time: O(m + n) to process both the magazine and letter
  • Space O(n), the number of chars in the letter

results matching ""

    No results matching ""