Determine start of the cycle
Given a linked list with a cycle in it, detect the cycle and find the start node of the cycle
Find the cycle using fast ptr slow ptr approach
- Set both pointers to the head of the list
- Increment fast pointer by 2 and slow pointer by 1 each time
- If we hit the end of the list then the list doesn't have a cycle
If fast ptr and slow ptr point to the same node then we have detected a cycle in the list
def is_loop(head) return false if head == nil return false if head.ptr == nil slow_ptr = head fast_ptr = head fast_ptr = fast_ptr.ptr fast_ptr = fast_ptr.ptr while fast_ptr != nil && slow_ptr != nil do if slow_ptr == fast_ptr return true end slow_ptr = slow_ptr.ptr fast_ptr = fast_ptr.ptr fast_ptr = fast_ptr.ptr if fast_ptr != nil end return false end
Determine start of the cycle
- Once the loop is detected, freeze the fast ptr and increment the slow ptr by 1 until it meets the fast ptr, this will tell us the length of the loop
- Set the slow ptr to the head and increment the fast pointer until it is loop_length nodes away from the head
Now increment both pointers by 1 until they meet again, that will be the node at which the cycle starts
slow_ptr = head fast_ptr = head // determined by freezing fast ptr // and incrementing slow ptr inside the loop loop_length = x while loop_length != 0 fast_ptr = loop_length -= 1 end while slow_ptr != fast_ptr slow_ptr = fast_ptr = end return slow_ptr
Time compelxity