Find K closest elements to the median

Given an unordered array, find the k closest elements to the median of the array


  • First find the median
  • Determine the difference between median and each of the elements
  • Now we need to pick the k closest or k smallest
  • Use the kth smallest element algorithm to get the result


def k_closest_to_median(arr, k)
    return nil if arr.nil? || k == 0

    median = find_median(arr)

    diff_pair_array = []
    arr.each do |e|
        diff_pair_array << {median - e, e}

    kth_smallest_index, diff_pair_array = find_kth_smallest(diff_pair_array, k)


def get_median(arr)
    find_kth_smallest(arr, arr.size/2) if arr.size %2 == 0 # Even
    find_kth_smallest(arr, arr.size/2+1) # for odd number of elements

Time complexity

  • O(n) for finding median
  • O(n) for creating diff_pair array
  • O(n) for finding kth smallest element
  • O(n) to extract first k elements closest to k

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