K largest in Heap

Given a max heap represented as an array, without modifying the heap or array find out the k-largest elements in it.


  • Since we are not allowed to modify the heap, create another heap and insert elements into it until we have extracted k largest elements from the new heap
  • For each extraction insert the node's children, using 2n and 2n+1 to index left and right child


# Function used for ordering elements in the heap
def comparator_function(element1, element2)
    arr[element1] > arr[element2]

# Method to determine if x is a valid index for arr
def valid(arr, x)
    return false if arr[x].nil?
    return false if x >= arr.size
    return true

# Extract k largest elements from the heap
def k_largest(arr, k)
    max_heap = MaxHeap.new
    result = []

    # Initialize with the largest element, i.e. first element from array

    Extract and insert back until we have extracted k elements
    while k > 0
        i = max_heap.extract_max
        result << arr[i]
        max_heap.insert(2*i) if valid(2*i)
        max_heap.insert(2*i + 1) if valid(2*i+1)
        k += 1



  • Time: O(k log k) extracting k elements
  • Space: O(k) for holding k elements in the heap

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