Lower and upper case permutations

Given a string generate all permutations where each char is lower and upper case


Input: abc
Output: ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, abC, abc


  • Trick is to notice that there are 2^n such permutations, where n is the length of the string
  • It maps to
    111    ABC
    110    ABc
    101    AbC
    100    Abc
    011    aBC
    010    aBc
    001    abC
    000    abc
  • Use 2 loops, outer loop loops over each of the integers from 0 -> 2^n
  • Inner loop loops over each char in the string, if the corresponding bit is set then change to upper case, otherwise leave it as lower case


def generate_permutations(str)
    return nil if str.nil?

    result = []
    range = 2 ^ str.len
    for i in 0..range do
        temp_str = str
        for j in 0..str.len do
            temp_str[j] = is_bit_set?(i, j) ? temp_str[j].to_upper : temp_str[j]
        result << temp_str

def is_bit_set?()
    i >> j && 1 == 1

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