Compute right sibling tree

Given a complete binary tree, assume each node has a sibling pointer that points to the node to its right in the graphical representation of the tree. Compute the sibling node for every node in the tree.


  • Key concept here is: update the sibling node for the level below and then traverse in level order


def update_sibling(root)
    # Process each level, starting at the left most node
    while root

        # No need to traverse last row
        while root && root.left
            # Update sibling ptr for left and right children
            root.left.sibling = root.right if root.left
            root.right.sibling = root.sibling.left if root.sibling

            root = root.sibling
        root = root.left


  • Time: O(n) since we are visiting each node only once
  • O(1): constant space

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