Overlapping lists without cycle

Let hI and h2 be the heads of lists Ll and L2, respectively. Assume that L1 and L2 are well-formed, that is each consists of a finite sequence of nodes. (In particular, neither list has a cycle.)

How would you determine if there exists a node r reachable from both hI and h2 by following the next fields? If such a node exists, find the node that appears earliest when traversing the lists.

You are constrained to use no more than constant additional storage.


Find length of the first list

  • While traversing keep a counter and increment it untilwe reach the last node

    while first.next != nil
      count += 1
      first = first.next

Repeat the same for the second list

  • Once we reach the last node if its same as the last node of the first list then the 2 lists are overlapping

    if ptr1 != ptr2
      puts "Lists are non-overlapping"
      return nil

Now determine the overlapping node

  • For the list with longer length increment the head pointer by the difference in length,

    ptr1 = head1
    ptr2 = head2
    if count1 > count 2 // find the longer list
      diff = count1 - count2
      while diff != 0
          ptr1 = ptr1.next
          diff -= 1
      while diff != 0
          ptr2 = ptr2.next
          diff -= 1
  • Now increment the head pointer of both the lists by one, at each step check if the lists have overlapped by checking if

    while ptr1 != ptr2
      ptr1 = ptr1.next
      ptr2 = ptr2.next
    return ptr // overlapping node

Time complexity

  • O(n) to traverse the first list twice
  • O(m) to traverse the second list twice
  • O(m+n) overall complexity

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