Online sampling or Reservior sampling

Given a stream of input numbers, design an algorithm that reads an integer at a time and maintains a random sampling of k integers.


  • First read k integers from the stream
  • When k+1th element is read generate random integer in the range 0..k+1
  • If rand is less than k, then swap out the arr[rand]
  • Else continue to the next integer in the stream


def online_sampling(num_stream, k)
    random_sampling = []

    # Insert first k integers into the sample set
    i = 0
    while i < k
        random_sampling << arr[i]
        i += 1

    # Read next integer from stream and decide if it goes
    # into the sample or not

    num_elements_read = k

    while num_elements_read < num_stream.size
        num = num_stream[num_elements_read]
        rand = random(0, num_elements_read)
        if rand < k
            sampling[rand] = num

        num_elements_read += 1

    return sampling


O(n) time where n is the total number of elements in the stream. Assuming generating random integer takes constant time

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