Add credits

Design a data structure that can handle the following operations

  • Insert: add a client with specified credit, replacing any existing entry for the client
  • Remove: delete the specified client
  • Lookup: return the number of credits associated with the specified client
  • Add-to-all: increment the credit count for all current clients
  • Max: return a client with the highest number of credits


  • A hash can be used for storing (client_id, credit) pair, which will support insert, remove and lookup in O(1), unfortunately finding max will be O(n)
  • Use a BST + hash combo. Hash will store (client_id, pointer_to_bst_node)
  • Bst nodes use the credit as key, so that finding max would be O(log n)
  • Increment, remove and lookup will still be O(1)
  • Global increments can be done by using an extra variable that should be added to the current credit in each of the bst nodes to return the current credit value
  • When new nodes are added, subtract this global credit count form it and then add to BST

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