Compute kth node in in-order traversal

Write a program that efficiently computes the kth node appearing in an in-order traversal. Assume that each node stores the number of nodes in the sub-tree rooted at that node.


  • By pass the left or right sub-tree depending on the number of nodes in that sub-tree
  • Keep track of k, when bypassing left sub-tree, subtract the left_num_nodes + root from k.


def kth_node(root, k)
    if k = root.left.count + 1
        return root
    elsif k > root.left.count + 1
        # Bypass the left sub-tree
        kth_node(root.right, k - root.left.count -1)
        # Bypass the right subtree
        kth_node(root.left, k)


  • Time: O(h) since we're traversing only along the height of the tree and not visiting all the nodes
  • Space: O(h), same reasoning.

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