Longest increasing sub-sequence

Given an array of integers, find the longest increasing sub-sequence


  • Start examining the array from left to right, keep track of the longest sequence seen so far
  • Once the sequence is no longer increasing restart the count and check if the next sequence is longer than the longest seen so far
  • Repeat this until the end of array
  • We'll need additional book-keeping if we want to track the starting and ending indices of the LIS.


def lis(arr)
    return nil if arr.nil

    i = 1
    lis_length = 0
    while i < arr.size do
        length = 0
        while arr[i-1] <= arr[i]
            i += 1
            length += 1
            lis_length = [lis_length, length].max
            break if i == arr.size
        i += 1

Time complexity

  • O(n) since we are looping over all the elements only once

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