Gray code

Given number of bits, generate gray codes for it. Gray code has the property that consecutive numbers differ by one bit and they also wrap around.


n = 2: 00, 01, 11, 10, 00
n = 3: 000, 100, 101, 111, 110, 010, 011, 001


  • Use the result from gray code from num-1 bits, then prepend 0 to the numbers to obtain first half
  • Then prepend 1 to the reversed result to ensure there is no number that differs by more than 1 bit
  • This also ensures the numbers wrap around accurately without breaking the gray code property


def generate_gray_code(num_bits)
    return [0] if num_bits == 0
    return [0,1] if num_bits == 1

    prev_result = generate_gray_code(num_bits-1)
    result = []

    # Prepend 0 to existing result and add to result array
    # No action to be taken to add 0, its implicit

    # Prepend 1 to the reverse of the prev_result
    # Must be reversed to preserve gray property
    prepend_1 = 1 << num_bits - 1

    prev_result.reverse.each do |r|
        result << (prepend_1 + r)  # Eg: 100 + 01 = 010



Since we are generating all possible combinations of bits for a given n, (irrespective of the order), it takes 2^n to generate all combinations of numbers for num digits n.

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