Matching paranthesis

Write a function that, given a sentence like the one below, along with the position of an opening parenthesis, finds the corresponding closing parenthesis.


String - "Sometimes (when I nest them (my parentheticals) too much (like this (and this))) they get confusing."
Opening bracket index - 10

Closing bracket index - 79


  • Traverse the string and keep track of the number of brackets seen, for every opening bracket increment the count and for every closing bracket decrement the count
  • For the closing bracket the makes the count back to 1, that means we have found the matching bracket for the input index.


def matching_paranthesis(str, num)
  return -1 if str.nil?
  return -1 if str[num] != '('

  i = num + 1
  num_open = 1
  while i < str.size
    if str[i] == '(' # opening brace
      num_open += 1
    elsif str[i] == ')' # closing brace
      num_open -= 1
      return i if num_open == 0
    i += 1

  return -1


We're using O(1) space for counting the number of open brackets and O(n) time since we are traversing the string only once


If we had to perform this search repeatedly, we wouldn't want to incur the O(n) cost each time. We can pre-process the string and store the opening and closing index pairs in a data structure.

  • Traverse the string L to R and for every opening bracket push its index into a stack
  • For every closing bracket pop from stack, and store the indices in their respective hash

      # After pre-processing
      closing_bracket_index = {10 => 79}
      # { opening_index => closing_index }
      opening_bracket_index = {79 => 10}
      # { closing_ndex => closing_index }
  • Now for any given index in the string, if its an '(' we can lookup its matching closing bracket hash and vice versa.
      if str[i] == '('
          return closing_bracket_index.find(i)
      elsif str[i] == ')'
          return opening_bracket_index.find(i)
  • Complexity
    • O(n) space complexity,
    • O(1) for lookup,
    • O(n) pre-processing

results matching ""

    No results matching ""