Identify the celebrity

You have a room with n people. A celebrity walks in.Everyone knows the celebrity, the celebrity knows no one. Non-celebrities may/may not know anyone in the room. Give an algorithm to find the celebrity.


  • Use the fact that the celebrity knows no one else, and everyone must know the celebrity
  • Compare adjacent elements in the array and determine who among the two can be a celebrity
    • If a knows b, a cannot be celebrity, b is a probable celebrity
    • Else if b knows a, then b cannot be the celebrity, a is a probably celebrity
  • Repeat above until we have examined all elements in the array


def identify_celebrity(arr)
    i = 1
    celebrity = arr[0]
    while (i < arr.size)
        celebrity = arr[i] if knows(celebrity, arr[i])
        i += 1


def knows(a, b)
    // Returns true if a knows b, else false


O(n) to traverse the array once.

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