Problem Solving for Coding interviews
Time complexity cheatsheet
Primitive types
Reverse number
Highest product of 3
Find unique
Which appears twice
Nth Fibonacci number
Palindromic number
Compute parity
Swap bits
Reverse bits
Closest integer
Spreadsheet decoding
Spreadsheet encoding
Intersecting rectangles
Random number generator
Array Flattening
Look and Say
Dutch National Flag
Max Difference
Sample offline data
Online sampling
Unique Integer
Product array
Merging meeting times
Find duplicate
Delete duplicates
Identify the celebrity
Rotate array
Delete key
Increment BigInteger
Furthest reach
Stock span sell twice
Enumerate primes
Next permutation
Offline sampling
Compute random permutation
Non-uniform random number
Sudoku checker
Pascals triangle
Power set
Max possible n
Majority find
Longest increasing subsequence
Fair bonus
Smallest non-constructible vlaue
Max subsum circular array
Trapping water
Spiral order
Matrix multiplication
Attacking rooks
Rotate matrix
Last Name Sort
Substring Check
Substring check Rabin-Karp
Word cloud data
Print Duplicate
Non Repeating Char
Reverse sentence
Test if palindrome
Run length encoding
Replace and remove
Interconvert string to int
Permutation palindrome
Matching paranthesis
String permutations
IP address validity
Sinusiodal string
Unix tail command
Lower and upper case permutations
Combinations of strings with ?
Justify text
Num Occurrences
Rotated Sorted
Rotation point
Unbounded array search
K closest to median
Merge sorted arrays
Top scores
Merge sort in-place
Count frequencies of chars
Unique elements
Max no. of events
Disjoint sets insertion
Count inversions
Perfect Square
Temperature tracker
Stacks and Queues
Queue with 2 stacks
Stack with max
Bracket Validator
Normalize pathnames
BST in sorted order
Postings list jump-order
Circular Queue
Queue with max
Sort a stack
Sunset view
BST Level order
Expression evaluator
Longest matching paranthesis
Sliding window max
Most visited page
Linked Lists
Overlapping lists without cycle
Reverse a list
Copy a postings list
Test for cycle
Determine start of the cycle
Overlapping lists with cycle
Even-odd merge
Reverse a sublist
Cyclic right shift
Median in a circular list
Test for palindromicity
Zip a list
Remove kth last element
Remove duplicates
Merge two sorted lists
Delete a node
BST checker
Balanced tree check
Symmetric tree check
LCA with parent pointers
LCA without parent pointers
LCA with close ancestors
Sum the root to leaf path
Root-leaf path with specified sum
Compute kth node
Inorder traversal constant space
Compute Successor
Linked list from leaves
Exterior of a tree
Reconstruct tree
Reconstruct tree (with markers)
Compute right sibling tree
Locking in a tree
Merge sorted files
Increasing decresing array sort
Almosted sorted array
Closest stars
Online median
K largest in Heap
Implement stack using heap
Hash tables
Parition into anagrams
Anonymous letter
LRU cache
K most frequent strings
Find nearest repetition
Average of top three scores
Find highest affinity pair
Longest distinct subarray
Longest contained range
Symmetric Pair
BFS traversal
Clone graph
Bipartite graph checker
Word transformation
Longest path length
Shortest unique prefix
Dynamic Programming
Max subsum
Making change
Traverse 2d array
Fishing trip
Sequence search
Sum 0
Knapsack problem
Partition elements
Word break
Max weight path
Test BST
Find key
Next larger
Build BST
K largest
BST from pre-order
Closest entries
Most visited page
Insert and delete
Total ordering
Range lookup
Add credits
Count entries in interval
Tower of hanoi
N-queens problem
Subsets of size k
Palindromic decomposition
Matching parens
Hilbert curve
Generate binary trees
Sudoku solver
Gray code
Array permutations
Tree diameter
Longest Palindrome
Boggle game
Phone number mnemonic
Design problems
Design peta and tera sort
Design distributed throttling
Parallel processing
Implement asynchronous callbacks
Implement web server
Create a deadlock
Create a scheduler
Reader writers problem
Multithreaded DIctionary with caching
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Time complexity cheatsheet
Time complexity cheatsheet
Time complexity
Tower of hanoi
String permutations
n! / c^n
results matching "
No results matching "