Max weight path in a triangle

Given an array of array of integers representing a triangle (like pascals triangle), find the max weight path through it, such that you can traverse only from top to bottom using only adjacent integer values


  2 3
 4 5 6

Max path is 1->3->6: 10


  • Use an array to keep track of the max weight moving from previous row to the next row
  • For each element in current row, pick the max of the 2 adjacent elements from prev row (prev_row[j-1], prev_row[j])
  • Add the max to the current element
  • Repeat this until we reach the last row, after each row is processed swap prev and current row, since we no longer need to keep track for prev row information


def max_weight(arr)
    return nil if arr.nil?

    num_rows = arr.size
    prev_row = arr.first

    # Evaluate one row at a time
    for i in 1..num_rows do
        curr_row = arr[i]
        curr_row.first += prev_row.first

        # Evaluate each element in current row
        for j in 1..curr_row.size do
            curr_row[j] += max(prev_row[j-1], prev_row[j])

        curr_row.last += prev_row.last

        # Swap rows, since prev_row is no longer required
        prev_row = curr_row

    # Find max weight in the final cummulative sum row
    max_weight = 0
    curr_row.each do |e|
        max_weight = e if e > max_weight


Time complexity

  • The total number of elements is 1 + 2 + 3 + .. n = n * (n+1)/2. Therefore overall time complexity is O(n^2).

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